We can query Prometheus data via API. for an example to query data for metric named CPU, you can use following API
or if you need data for past 1 hour then add filters like [1h] or [1m] etc.
sample output
or if you need data for past 1 hour then add filters like [1h] or [1m] etc.
sample output
Now this is very tedious job if we have 100's of metrics and if need to go over each metric names and query them individually and export to a file .
So I used a python script based on Robust Perception blog on query result as CSV.
and modified the script to query all metric names and then query individual metrics with this list of metric names and save to a file.
Now this can be run as cron job configured to run hourly. The python script will get last 1 hours of data and put it in a archive file.
python prom_csv.py http://prom_server:9090 | gzip > $(date +"%Y_%m_%d_%I_%M_%p")_metrics.gz
Python Script
import csv
import requests
import sys
def GetMetrixNames(url):
response = requests.get('{0}/api/v1/label/__name__/values'.format(url))
names = response.json()['data']
#Return metrix names
return names
Prometheus hourly data as csv.
writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout)
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print('Usage: {0} http://localhost:9090'.format(sys.argv[0]))
for metrixName in metrixNames:
#now its hardcoded for hourly
response = requests.get('{0}/api/v1/query'.format(sys.argv[1]),
params={'query': metrixResult+'[1h]'})
results = response.json()['data']['result']
# Build a list of all labelnames used.
#gets all keys and discard __name__
labelnames = set()
for result in results:
# Canonicalize
labelnames = sorted(labelnames)
# Write the samples.
if writeHeader:
writer.writerow(['name', 'timestamp', 'value'] + labelnames)
for result in results:
l = [result['metric'].get('__name__', '')] + result['values']
for label in labelnames:
l.append(result['metric'].get(label, ''))
I hope this helps someone
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